Le dire émousse ses angles morts
Dans la bouche de Colombine
Chaque mot s’assoupit et rêve
Le visage edelweiss de Pierrot
Compasse la nuit épouse
Et la robe des iris tombe
Plus sombre que le lavis
Le dos constellé des heures
Quand la belle écolière des décans
A plié les genoux du Sagittaire
Dans l’écloserie des Gémeaux
Elle et la géométrie de la langue
Lui jusqu’à l’extinction des mots
✩〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 texte : Emmanuelle Masini
illustration : Wuthering Heights by Lakhsmita Indira 〰〰〰〰〰〰✩
illustration : Wuthering Heights by Lakhsmita Indira 〰〰〰〰〰〰✩
9 commentaires:
tell me, do you really like my new drawing?
of course, 'cause if i didn't i wouldn't put it on la Planète
why this question ?
i dunno... maybe it is just me, feeling weird about my drawing.
because im not that good to show my feeling through my drawing.
im so lame...
i wish i could draw better...
i think u are too rough with yourself, Mita
look at your drawings: they are so sweet, even in the nightmares
so you can be proud of what you do
you are so very kind to me.
thank you.
probably i just need some encouraging words because i dont feel like drawing today, sometimes i can feel my drawing sucks.
thank you once again, have a good morning to you, ok!
i know it is morning now in France.
bye little friend.
………………… now it's evening
Emmanuelle told me today that she doesn't understand why you got such doubts about your artwork
she told me that you can make some books for children (like her, like me, for example)
& also she told me that your style is so recognizable
& she loves it yeah yeah yeah!
so : with a gift like that, you know you should be glad
thank you, it means a lot to me.
only people like you (and the Emmanuelle lady) who can keep me drawing and drawing.
and you must know that i always enjoy your visit to my blog.
please do not hesitate if you have another beautiful images to share with me, just drop by, ok, you are always welcome in my blog.
have a nice day :))
merci mer sea
dear so gentle
oh sweet Mita
Emma & me will be so pleased to see your next draWINGS
a nice nice day to you
in the magic air of inspiration
in the sacred art of your wisdom
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